Prerequisites: A minimum of 75 hours completed or consent of the instructor. Prerequisites: A minimum of 45 hours completed or graduate standing or consent of the instructor. See individual major requirements. Prerequisites: Consent of the department chairperson, or instructor, or enrolled in the Applied Community and Economic Development sequence. I would love to meet new people and I am looking for a roommate to most likely live in the quad or the village so please feel free to reach out. Also offered as POL/SOC 478. Prerequisites: HIS 135 or 136 or consent of the instructor; or graduate standing. Im Zoe and a sophomore student at UCLA! The study of elementary counting methods, basic statistics; and elementary mathematical modeling techniques, focusing on reasoning and solving real-life problems. Students will have exposure to cultural, political, social, and criminal justice issues. Graduate Level Course: This course is approved for graduate credit. Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) Of these total hours, the Construction Management major requires 93 credit hours of coursework. It's a class that focuses on women and gender using sociology, psychology and history. Please confirm with your advisor before taking a course. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Clinical-Counseling Psychology, School Psychology, Social Work, or Nursing or consent of the department. Description: Critical analysis of the institutional mechanisms and social processes through which political power is constructed, distributed, and maintained. Description: The course involves an exploration of a foreign country. These are the 5 Most fun Classes to Take at ISU. Offered as COM/THE 306. Description: Study of sexuality across the life course emphasizing the role of sexuality on family relations and implications for family life. Formerly SOCIOLOGY OF LAW. My name is Grace and im from Longview,TX. Not for credit if had CJS 389A24. Prerequisites: SOC 211 or consent of the instructor; a minimum of 75 hours completed or consent of the instructor, or graduate standing. This is Bowling 1. TEC 100 Professional Development in Technology, TEC 120 Introduction to Building Construction, TEC 123 Construction Documents & Quantity Takeoff, TEC 222 Mechanical & Electrical Systems for Buildings, TEC 292 Construction Materials Technology, TEC 325 Construction Scheduling (C or better required), TEC 326 Construction Finance and Accounting (C or better required), TEC 327 Design of Building Structures (C or better required), TEC 329 Sustainable Buildings & Urban Development (C or better required), TEC 394 Construction Management and Administration (C or better required), TEC 225 Construction Equipment Management, TEC 324 Advanced Mechanical & Electrical Systems, FIL 185 Legal, Ethical and Social Environment of Business, MKT 230 Introduction to Marketing Management. Description: Organizational and operational policing from comparative and historical perspectives which have been derived through statistical, observational and survey methodologies. UST - United States Traditions. All four or five hours will be credited toward graduation requirements, but only three hours will be credited in General Education for these courses. Prerequisites: PSY 110 or 111; PSY 213 or 233 or PSY/SOC 223; and PSY 253 or 263; or graduate standing in Psychology. Description: A consideration of managerial decision making in organizations. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Psychology or consent of the department. May be repeated once if content differs. Description: Survey of the history of the American city from the Colonial Era to the present. Travel fees apply. Description: Examination of US health policies and practices, which create inequitable access to health care and disparities in health. Multiple enrollments allowed if content is different. University-Wide Academic Requirements AMALI (cultures and traditions of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin, American, or Indigenous Peoples of the World) Bachelor of Science Graduation Requirement in Science, Mathematics, and Technology (BS-SMT) College of Arts and Sciences Foreign Language Graduation Requirement English as a Second Language Elective Track -TCH 205 and TCH 248 from above and the following, Reading Teacher Elective Track - ENG 170, TCH 208, TCH 209, TCH 264, TCH 318 from above plus the following, Special Education Elective Track - SED 101 and TCH 318 from above plus the following, Diverse Learner Elective Track - TCH 318 from above plus the following, University-Wide Teacher Education Requirements. Description: Basic theories and findings in the study of human memory with a focus on organization, development, distortions, and disorders. Prerequisites: majors only or consent of the instructor. Description: Theories and research relating to face-to-face communication among people from different cultural, national, ethnic, or racial backgrounds. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of the instructor. Multiple enrollments are allowed if content is different. Not for credit if had FCS 308. Description: Examination and analysis of theory, research, and practical applications of social-psychological principles to the promotion and maintenance of physical activity. Prerequisites: COM 111 or graduate standing. 2022 Humans of University. Feel free to send a DM or a friend request. May include Clinical Experience. Prerequisites: 45 hours completed or consent of the department advisor, or graduate standing. Description: Exploration of global-scale trends, diversity, processes, power dynamics, and interventions related to children and their trajectories. Maegan is a sophomore History major at Drexel University who constantly contemplates double majoring or double minoring. Description: An examination of the social, historical, and political contexts that influence the creation, application, and transformation of criminal justice policy. Description: Explores the concepts, theories, and methods sociologists utilize to explain gendered differences in social relations and life changes. SOC 106 or PSY 111 is recommended. Description: The primary focus of this course will be to engage with the current debates, issues, and problems associated with higher education. The following guides provide articulation information from Illinois Community Colleges to Illinois State University. H - Humanities Understand construction quality assurance and control. Prerequisites: PSY 110 or 111; PSY 231; BSC 101 or 196; or graduate standing. Description: A study of counseling approaches and techniques used in assessment and intervention of individuals with communication disorders and their families. General Education Program Introductory course in biological anthropology, the study of the place of humans in nature, human evolution, and current human biological diversity. I also plan to rush in the fall. 10 of the Easiest Classes at Illinois State University Search for: MENUMENU Home Humans Of Arizona State University Auburn University Binghamton University Bowling Green State University Brock University Butler University California Baptist University California State University - Chico Formerly STUDIES IN WOMEN AND LITERATURE. You have to attend like 1/2 of the classes all semester. Prerequisites: Admission to MS/MA in English Education or consent of the instructor. Description: Explores LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) political movements in historical context and with reference to claims for citizenship. I also love working out. Analyze decisions based on ethical principles. Prerequisites: COM major or graduate standing. You may even get that coveted A+. Major Transfer Sample Plans of Study Specific questions should be directed to the student's advisor. The major hours are divided into four areas: General Education, Construction Management Core, Construction Management Electives, and Management Core courses. Prerequisites: A minimum of 75 hours completed or consent of the instructor or graduate student standing. Description: May be repeated if content is different. The Construction Management program is accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE) and was most recently re-accredited in 2015. Understand the legal implications of contracts. Prerequisites: POL 100 or 106 or consent of the instructor, or graduate standing. Below we have rounded up some classes you may like to register for this upcoming spring quarter. Indirect experience as group member and group leader through role-playing and experiential exercises. There comes a time in our college career at Drexel where we just want to take an easy class, especially in the spring term. Description: In-depth study of some aspect of Spanish and/or Spanish- American culture. Description: Clinical use of mental health classification in counseling and other settings. Multiple enrollments are allowed if content is different; maximum of 12 hours. Each individual investigation is to culminate in a comprehensive written report and/or examination. Description: Psychosocial issues are covered across developmental contexts for adolescents experiencing fundamental biological, cognitive, and social changes. Emphasis on Supreme Court decisions relating to political dissent, obscenity, provocation and demonstration, and press freedom. ES 100 is one of the easy classes at NCSU that anyone can pass. Prerequisites: BSC 196 and 197 or consent of the instructor, or graduate standing. Appropriate Use Policy Description: Examines theoretical, pedagogical and research issues in family literacy, particular emphasis on cultural contexts in which children live. - foreign language degree requirement: LAN/FRE/GER/SPA/ITA/JPN/POR 115 (or equivalent). ICL - Individuals and Civic Life Description: Physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of infants through adolescents emphasized as related to family and society. CPR is a skill that could potentially save lives, so why not take an easy class and learn it? This class is as easy as it sounds focusingon written, spokenand electronic communication. Spring term is a time to enjoy the fresh air and sit outside, not stay indoors and study for those hard classes. Not for credit if had ECO 355 (formerly ECO 340). Description: Examines the initiative and referendum process in the U.S. Evaluates how citizen-sponsored ballot measures impact policy and society. Description: Examination of the student diversities found in classrooms and the impact of diverse learners on curricular and instructional practices. Prerequisites: Completion of 60 hours, POL 100, 106, or 138 or consent of the instructor, or graduate standing. Description: Critiquing mass media s influence on cultural and economic life and its influence on public policy and social change. Description: Overview of the key issues, problems, and theories that confront the agency level officials and those work with government and/or nonprofit organizations. facilitates the transfer of students from one Illinois institution to another. Students must complete at least one course from two different sciences. Accessibility, ENG 101 - Composition As Critical Inquiry, ENG 101a10 - Composition As Critical Inquiry, ENG 145 - Writing In The Academic Disciplines, ENG 145a13 - Writing Business & Government Organizations, COM 110 - Communication As Critical Inquiry, COM 110a01 - Communication As Critical Inquiry: Classroom Communication-Teacher Education, THE 154 - Introduction To Black Drama And Theatre, HIS 104a05 - History Of South & Southeast Asia, HIS 135 - History Of The United States To 1865, HIS 136 - History Of The United States Since 1865, ENG 165 - Introduction To African-American Literature & Culture, ENG 160 - Introduction To Studies In Women's Writing, ENG 110 - English Literature And Its Contexts, ENG 170 - Foundations In Literature For Children, ENG 131 - American Culture: Traditions And Texts, HIS 131 - American Culture: Traditions And Texts, BSC 101 - Fundamental Concepts In Biology, BSC 101a01 - Fundamental Concepts In Biology: For Future Elementary Teachers, BSC 197 - Molecular And Cellular Basis Of Life, PSY 138 - Reasoning In Psychology Using Statistics, ECO 138 - Economic Reasoning Using Statistics, MAT 152 - Dimensions Of Mathematical Reasoning, MAT 113 - Elements Of Mathematical Reasoning, MAT 113a01 - Elements Of Mathematical Reasoning: With Math Principles, CHE 112 - Fundamental Chemistry Laboratory, GEO 100 - Introduction to Environmental Systems, PHY 110 - Physics For Science And Engineering I, ANT 185 - Cultures Of The World: An Introduction To Cultural & Linguistic Anthropology, ANT 102 - Human Origins: An Introduction to Biological Anthropology and Archaeology, POL 106 - United States Government And Civic Practices, POL 151 - Introduction to International Relations, POL 140 - Introduction To The Politics Of Africa,Asia, & Latin America, SOC 108 - Contemporary Social Problems In Global Perspective, FCS 224 - Enduring Issues For Couples And Families, SOC 264 - Racial, Social Class, And Gender Inequality, F1 905D Ethnic Traditions in American Music, F1 909D Ethnic Traditions in American Theatre, H2 909D Hist Cult Ethnic Minority Groups in US, H3 918 Introduction to Children's Literature, M1 903 Math for Elementary Teaching I and II, S1 901N Cultures of the World: An Intro to Cul, S1 902 Human Origins: An Intro to Biol Anthrop, S5 900 American/U.S. Description: Intensive study of the techniques used to describe cultural practices and belies. Description: Advanced graduate study in personal relationships/family. COM 110a01 - Communication As Critical Inquiry: Classroom Communication-Teacher Education. Description: Introduction to rhetorical and critical communication criticism. May be repeated. Description: Impact of visual impairments on development; basic anatomy of the eye; types, causes, and educational implications of eye disorders; educational programming. Description: Theories and research regarding human development and family dynamics and their relationship to historical time, society, and culture. Majors-Only Courses. Multiple enrollments allowed if content is different. 2023 Illinois State University, Normal, IL USA | Contact Us, Privacy Statement | Cookie Statement | Identity Standards | Appropriate Use Policy | IBHE Online Complaint System | ISU Complaint Resolution | Accessibility | CARESActReporting, Communication and Composition (3 courses required), B.S. Description: Analysis of major theoretical formulations concerning personality with emphasis upon their current status and evidential bases. For MUSC 190, no experience is necessary. Description: Substance abuse research and policy, and the implications and options for prevention and treatment. SS - Social Sciences Multilingual societies, language choice, language shift, language planning. for native freshmen. Description: Explore theories that inform socially just English language arts instruction and research. Cal Poly State University - San Luis Obispo, California State University - Los Angeles, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, California State University, Channel Islands, Jesus and Mary College, University of Delhi, Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising, Federal University Of Agriculture Abeokuta, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, Interamerican University of Puerto Rico San German campus, Keiser University - Latin American Campus, London School of Economics and Political Science, California State University of Sacramento, Savannah College of Art and Design Atlanta, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, The University of Texas of the Permian Basin, University of North Carolina - Wilmington, University of South Florida - St. Petersburg, William Paterson University of New Jersey. Topics include physical characteristics, history, social, political, intellectual life, and cultural change. If you are interested in working with youth in foster care, First Star Academy has independent study opportunities available. I grew up at UGA fan (shocking i know) but the tide pulled me in! Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Spanish or consent of the instructor, Graduate Level Course: This course is approved for graduate credit. Prerequisites: SOC 106 recommended; 75 hours or consent of the instructor. The articulation guides below also designate what courses at Illinois community colleges will fulfill Illinois State University's Description: Analysis of current child welfare topics and the role of the profession of social work. Prerequisites: SED 407 or 409, and 454, or consent of the instructor. Educational Administration and Foundations, Illinois State University, Normal, IL USA. Description: The content of this seminar will vary according to the interests of the particular instructor offering the course. Description: Selected topics focusing on specialized aspects of Middle East politics. Some majors complete other types of degrees that do not include additional graduation requirements. Description: Introduction to the nature of ethnomusicological inquiry, history, key concepts, methods, and practitioners. This must be done prior to enrolling in the senior capstone course (TEC 394 Construction Management and Administration). I plan on majoring in marine biology. PSY 101 - General Psychology I Variable hour courses (i.e. Description: A study and critical analysis of historical and contemporary issues in international justice, human rights, and conflict resolution. Not for credit if had EAF 494 EDUCATIONAL PUBLIC RELATIONS. Whats up my name is nick keener from Lancaster pa! Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor, or graduate standing. May be repeated with departmental approval; maximum of 9 hours. Description: To provide a foundation in the normal development of and interplay between cognition and language across the lifespan. Attention to judicial and jury decision-making, legal structures, legislation, power, beliefs, conflict, and social change. Prerequisites: PSY 110 or 111; PSY 231; or graduate standing. See individual major requirements. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in ECO, POL, or SOA or consent of the instructor. University Studies majors may not be able to get into courses that are listed as Majors-only and, in general, should not list majors-only courses on their Plan of Study. Description: Application of human development theories and developmentally appropriate practices to the psychosocial care of children and families in healthcare environments. Hereis a list of 10 of the easiest classes atIllinois State. This class teaches everything there is to know about the City of Brotherly Love. May repeat if content different. Multiple enrollments allowed if content is different. Prerequisites: Admission to Graduate Specialization Certificate-Early Intervention Vision or consent of the department chair. Bowling (KNR 112) Picture this: You show up to class, no desks, no pop quizzes, no long drawn out lectures that make you yawn more than learn anything. Intro level communications courses are great electives to try out. Examination of gender roles, norms, and stereotypes from a broad range of perspectives within humanities across centuries and cultures. The General Education Program at Illinois State University is an integrated multi-disciplinary set of courses that focuses on the development of communication and problem-solving skills and abilities, such as persuasion, listening, and argumentation; logical and quantitative thinking; and understanding varying perspectives on issues. FCS 102 - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition . Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in ENG 100, ENG 102, a minimum of 45 hours completed or graduate standing; or consent of the instructor. Description: This course introduces the knowledge and skills for a school leader to meet the needs of a diverse student population. Of these total hours, the Construction Management major requires 93 credit hours of coursework. Description: Administration of early childhood programs and community services responsible for guidance of young children. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Clinical-Counseling Psychology or consent of the department. Illinois State University Campus Box . Courses with AMALI designation, indicating a focus on cultures of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, or the indigenous peoples of the world. Prerequisites: A minimum of 75 hours completed or consent of the instructor, or graduate standing. Prerequisites: PSY 350; and graduate standing in Clinical-Counseling Psychology or consent of the department. Description: Social distribution and social construction of illness; physician socialization; doctor-patient interaction; alternative medicine; structure of health care systems; biomedical ethics. Description: Historical precedents and new innovations to deal with the rising number of mentally ill in the criminal justice system. Description: Theories and practices of leadership communication in various organizational contexts. A maximum of 9 total credit hours from the course group 393/397/400/493/498 may count toward a masters degree. Description: Advanced examination of theories and research in family communication. Description: Research methods and results concerning social psychology of work organizations. Some fun facts about me are that I was accepted through the QuestBridge National College Match, ive been in STUGO for 9 years, im currently working to provide free menstrual care in my schools bathrooms, I LOVEEE Studio Ghibli, I LOVEEE cats (even though im allergic), im planning to major in business, and im learning to play the guitar! Description: Medical, psychological, and sociological aspects of behavioral disorders of children. Depending on your area of specialization, you will be required to take one or two elective courses. Multiple enrollments allowed if content is different. While this may seem like a lot, it makes the approach to class much easier and more intriguing. Description: Investigation and practice of on-screen, nonfiction storytelling with historical, theoretical, ethical, and aesthetic considerations. Speaking of easy 101 classes, WGST 101 fills up quickly for a reason. Major or minor only or consent of the department advisor. ENG 145 - Writing In The Academic Disciplines. I am most likely going to Auburn in the fall and plan on majoring in biomedical sciences to become an orthodontist. Description: Legal aspects of Illinois public education with emphasis on constitutional law and rulings and rights/responsibilities of school partners and community. Prerequisites: WGS 120 or consent of the instructor; or graduate standing. Description: Principles of behavior modification with an emphasis upon their use in a variety of educational and clinical settings. Description: Examination of accounting and financial reporting principles for nonprofit entities including state and local governmental units, colleges, hospitals, and other nonprofit organizations. All rights reserved. C1 901R Writing Course Sequence. Pick up some of the classes mentioned above and enjoy the sun before it gets too hot! Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of the department. Not for credit if had PSY 480.05. Considers role of leadership communication in establishing relationships, managing communication, and influencing change. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Clinical-Counseling Psychology or consent of department; personality course is recommended. Hii!! Prerequisites: SED 101 or consent of the department chair or graduate standing. Not for credit if previously had ANT 308. NOTE: These guides are accurate of the time of their RUN DATE, as noted on each PDF. Description: A selected topic, e.g., presidency, Congress, mass political behavior, selected policy problems, etc. Holistic emphasis on biological, cultural, and social systems. Also offered as POL 470. Please refer to the document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Must have had a least one course in Economics. Students in the Construction Management major are required to complete 800 hours of work experience. Understand different project delivery methods. Description: Development of collaborative relationships between families and professionals serving young children who are blind or visually impaired. The General Education Program at Illinois State University is an integrated multi-disciplinary set of courses that focuses on the development of communication and problem-solving skills and abilities, such as persuasion, listening, and argumentation; logical and quantitative thinking; and understanding varying perspectives on issues. Complete the General Education Program through completion of at least 13 courses (39 semester hours), as designated in the program description. Description: Conflict resolution, communication, and mediation skills are applied to different areas of professional practice and restorative justice throughout communities. Description: Advanced analysis of Japanese culture and society both historically and contemporarily via their language and communication. E Elizabeth Maroney 107 followers More information 10 of the Easiest Classes at Illinois State University Southern Illinois Illinois State Chicago Illinois Moline Illinois Chicago River Ohio River College Campus School College Springfield Illinois More information . While this may seem like a lot, it makes the approach to class much easier and more intriguing. Math Courses at Illinois State University. Not for credit if had FCS 309. Description: Intensive study in a special area of the advanced students interest under a qualified member of the faculty. Description: Theoretical frameworks of comparative politics for examining development, democracy, and governance. Description: Historical and theoretical perspectives and contemporary trends concerning women and crime and processing of women by the criminal justice system. Students not satisfying the AMALI graduation requirement through a major course should choose one of these courses to fulfill an Illinois State University graduation requirement. Elective courses are intended to allow you to pursue areas of study that will compliment your intended career goals. Our site uses cookies. Not for credit if had FCS 336. Description: The relationship between language, culture, and cultural awareness in the learning and teaching of English as a Second Language. Here is a list of 10 of the easiest classes at Illinois State. Not for credit if had FCS 307. When she's not writing a paper, reading or watching Netflix, she can be found day-dreaming, eating, staring at the sun or all of the above. There is to know about the city of Brotherly Love to health care and disparities in health for experiencing! On each PDF major theoretical formulations concerning personality with emphasis on biological, cultural, and methods utilize... 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