That's the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center. The difference has more to do with the flower shape and structure than anything else. It's coming from a sterile greenhouse, so you should put it on a bench or on a clean surface, you know, until you're absolutely ready to transplant, because you can even on the ground in your driveway, you can pick up fusarium on the bottom of your plug tray and you'll start seeing plugs drop off before you even plant them. You can cut it next week. A friend of mine planted some in July in Tennessee and every one of them rosetted. Now you can pinch once that thing has started to grow. Yes, Please! Orders for multiple ship dates must be placed separately. I recommend 8 per square foot. Chemical/Spray Drift and Buffers: Is there any likelihood of Chemical/Spray drift contamination of your fields? Wash your trays. So weeding, and if you're going to use fabric or plastic, do you have a favorite? So, thank you all for your support. Try em outside. At the end of the day, they're all the same plant. This was maybe my first attempt at Lisianthus and you see it worked out pretty well. Testing is usually free or low cost, and will save you the headache of guessing what pathogen you are actually dealing with. Hardy to 20F in the ground. As long as it's a sterilemedia. These tiny seedlings are also quite delicate, and one bad day can kill them. It just like shredded my fingers. Yeah, alright, well thank you so much. I'll show you a couple slides from Holland in a moment. You can't quite see anything in there because of the fog. The chat we'll be monitoring. The big ruffled flowers of series such as Voyage, Celeb, and Corelli tend to hold rainwater more easily than varieties with open centers and smoother petals. You know nitrogen produces leaves generally, and it's usually the nutrient that's in shortest supply. There's a bunch of different whites, and they'll look pretty white to me. I'll say, this spring, I forgot I had some. OK, so lisianthus has a bad reputation for being difficult, but it's really only difficult when you are growing it from seed. So, when I think of any, growing any flower, I go back to the wild. Soil type is not hugely important as long as the structure of your soil allows the roots to make good contact and your soil is not soggy. Available Now trays (if any) are listed on Fridays around Noon ET. It's usually free or low cost. Located in Chalfont, PA, our three acre facility houses a large variety of plug and liner trays, annuals, perennials, herbs, vegetables, and specialty products. We trial everything before we put it on our website. Let me get out of my screen share here. Just holds up really, really nicely out of water. Alright, so this is last week. Now, being in Vermont, I like to go where it's sunny in the winter time. History Group created on December 9, 2016 Organic, you know, orare there organic seeds? This "moat" of unplanted soils seems to offer a sufficient barrier when trying to manage small outbreaks. Okay these rose types sometimes look a little bit like ranunculus too. BH: Great. And then also just go in and do a little firewall by, you know, ripping out some other plants. You know that can help - shade cloth, it could be frost cloth at planting time just to keep them a little cooler at the time of transplant. They're just such slow growers. Most people aren't going to do this, but at the very least pinch out your first bud. Even in plain clean water, Lisianthus should last well more than a week. Do you want to answer a few more, Bailey, or do you havea cut off time? This spring we are building up a number of our beds to help with the problem. Order your plugs for a date when you know you will be able to plant them directly into the soil. Your best defense is to help foster biologically diverse and active soil. 2023 Farmer Bailey Inc., All rights reserved. Always great to see you and have a great sales season. FD: Bailey, do you have an opinion about holding temperatures for post-harvest? Other than that, I'm happy with the condition the plants arrived in. This year I ordered lisianthus plugs from Farmer Bailey. In terms of spacing, I like 8 plants per square foot, so if you're using the standard support netting that we can get in the US, it was about 6 inch by 6 inch squares. I bottom water every other day, sometimes even every third day. Croma Series. I've learned so much about lisianthus, I don't know that I'm ready to try it myself. sold out. That's out of the cooler. Another thing I love about it has a really long harvest window, so you don't have to cut it today. Using a remay type frost blanket is a great way to help your plugs adjust to the real world. The plant must also be mature enough, and this last one is a little hard to define, as it varies by variety. It doesn't have many carbohydrates to get it up and running at the beginning stages of life. So, you have slightly lower light levels in a high tunnel. Keep testing your soil and follow those recommendations. Yes, I am in theplug business, but when you grow them from seed, you'll understand the value of a plug. Group 1 Lisianthus will enter their flowering stage (reproductive stage) earlier than Group 2 plants, followed by Group 3 and Group 4. If you routinely see freezes and snow, just wait until spring. Overhead water them for at least two weeks after you plant. I recommend using 2 layers of support netting with Lisianthus. So low tunnel is going to betoo short in most cases, you need a tall low tunnel. So, you know that's the beauty of a modern, high-tech greenhouse, it just keeps the heat correct, the humidity correct, the light correct at all times. 2023 Farmer Bailey Inc., All rights reserved. Find your state's cooperative extension here. BH: Well, fabric is plastic. AS: OK, next one we've had a lot on is pinching soare there varieties that are better to be pinched? It looks brown. Fusarium root rot is the primary disease issue. Use a good compost based seed starting mix. It must be receiving enough light intensity, again, easily provided in summer. I was missing some plugs, but received extra of another variety, so be vigilant of what you pay and what is sent to you. BH: Can someone confirm that they see this? Most of what Iknow about growing cut flowers has been learned through this organization that charges you $200.00 a year to be a member. You're going to pay for soil and your greenhouse space now. As a safeguard, we also ordered lisianthus plugs- a lot of them. Unfortunately, the soil on our new farm is clay -- very fertile-- but not well draining. And then there's an increasing number of novelties. But, just a little bit of housekeeping, we have a Q&A and we have the chat so you can use either one. CF: And while you're doing that, I'm going to go ahead and introduce our speaker just real briefly, and then I'll kind of do a little bit of housekeeping, but I think everybody is excited to have Bailey Hale joining us tonight. This tends to be more cost effective than boxing and shipping via FedEx or UPS. You know, put a piece of frost cloth over there if you're going to have a cold snap. The other trays will be kept at room temp around 70-75F. Now, if anything you've got to work harder to get you know, amend your soil in the spring,make sure you got a, you know, a lot of great compost, use that. And then you canalso, you know, if you put some kind of frost cloth or Remay over, even if it's a warmer part of the year, you're really keeping a little microclimate. Maybe you pay $10.00, but then you understand what you're dealing with and you're going to know how to treat it. Get directions to \"Sweet Girl Farms\" by searching them on google maps or apple maps. Light is needed for germination, but a fine layer of vermiculite covering the seed will help control algae growth. We can talk about anything you want afterwards, particularly Lisianthus. The Japanese growers are really doing the best in doing the most with this. Really grateful to Farmer Bailey for making these ridiculous varieties available to us little guys! All right, some people like to bump up their plugs into a bigger cell before they go in the field. Pull out and destroy affected plants to slow its spread. You see how nice each of those plants looks after. The others are a little more adjustable. It's just a lot of steps that they're not really interested in, and also the worldwide demand is already outstripping supply. They've since moved on to an LED system. That said if your plugs arrive and you are not ready for them, I recommend bumping up into a 50 or 72 cell tray. FD: Bailey, if you think you can get a second flush, how would you achieve that? Additional outdoor areas for seasonal growing of mums, asters, flowering kale, and perennials comprise another 8.3 acres. We'll answer as many as we can, but what we'll do at the end is anything that we don't get to, we will export those, Bailey and his team will work on answering all those questions and then when we send out the recording link - the link to the recorded webinar - and then well also have a survey link, we'll include those questions in there with some other resources that are available. Our product line includes greenhouse plants, plugs, seeds, nursery stock, hardgoods, and more. How do you install your support netting? Our trend forward collections are curated for the modern flower farmer. I like them all though. BH: I would say they're pretty flexible. I also, when I'm planting, I leave a 6 inch gap between each variety. I only know of one who is sort of organic. BH: I'm sure, yeah, Im a bad salesman, I should have tried to promote myself more. Not the heaviest feeders, but they doappreciate constant fertility. So, they grow them in I think about 1-meter beds. BH: Great question. It also just gives me a bigger, easier to handle transplant a little later in the season. . All of this tells us that Lisianthus is adaptable to a wide range of conditions, but needs a good source of water at certain times in its lifecycle. CRB on October 26, 2015 at 10:01 pm . The next critical stage in the life of Lisianthus is when it is transplanted. I thought it was gonna be a one-year thing and now it's my full time job and I've got three people helping me and I feel like we're just getting started supplying the small- to medium- scale American cut flower grower. The Breeders in Japan didnt understand what we wanted in the US. You may also see botrytis. But, if you're selling to a premium florist market, you might want to not pinch it so you can get that full long stem. These are still series,still available. I cut into a holding solution (such as Chrysal 2), which keeps bacterial levels low and feeds those developing buds. I would pull that plant out. The one on the right is called Little Summer. So unlike roses, you don't have to grow, you know, your rose bushes for years before you harvest. Last winter, we ran a small seed starting trial with lupine. So that's how we launched Farmer Bailey. Also, if you order more than 30 trays at a time, you can get pallet delivery and that's great because pallets don't tip over in transit. You know the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers, voted Voyage light apricot, cut flower of the year and I can't argue that. That's really the first step - just keeping your humidity high. One was, I've lost my train of thought, oh, the best growing medium, especially if you're going to be bumping up anything that comes into you. I'm Cindy Finneseth with the Kentucky Horticulture Council and I want to welcome you all to our webinar tonight. There's a lot of people who think that they're saving the planet by using fabric, but it's woven plastic. John Dole at North Carolina State University has done a lot of research. The safety net makes me unafraid to take risks with our little seed starting experiment. We get a lot of questions about the bloom groups so you'll see them listed mostly 1, 2, 3, and 4. Stayed tuned for more news on them in February and March. I would often use just the Pro-Mix BX that we can we can get locally. They don't mind ita little cool to start with. FD: So, we havea couple more questions. So, Rosita, Chroma, Erosa, they're all great. So, it really depends on your market. Thank you for watching. It's really only at transplant that they are susceptible to rosetting. If you plant them into hot soil they will rosette, so they're you know they're from southern and southwestern places. Overhead irrigation is only needed for those first couple of weeks. March 23, 2022. professional competency areas for student affairs practitioners. The lisanthus plugs I ordered are "210" size. Farmer Bailey describes this series as "very double fringed" love it yet "is less tolerant of less than ideal conditions . Eustoma is the botanical name. I think unless you're seeing just a really bad Fusarium problem, you should be OK with that. South CentralAlabama, Arkansas, Arizona - you can read the states there - into Mexico. It's quite, very like, very similar to the wild type, but also comes in a pink and a white. It needs perfect conditions every day for about 12 weeks just to get it to the small plug stage that we receive each spring, and these conditions are tough to create in the home environment. And that's two plants per square, so I kind of stagger them within that square. AS: OK, I think we're sort of winding down on the overall gist of the questions, but the next one is one of the hardest, and it kind of comes into how you grow, weeding. Any orders already placed will ship as planned. You know, any plants purpose is to make a flower and make seeds and reproduce. All those good things. So when do you transplant Lisianthus for the best results? It does add to your expense. They have a symbiotic relationship with the roots and they actually kind of create a living protective layer around the root and then grow with the root. So, that said, I want you to try to grow these from seed. And, we know there will be a lot more questions than we can get answered, so feel free to go ahead and drop your questions in the chat or in the Q&A. It's another one that I helped introduce to everybody. The germination mix from AM Leonard has been holding moisture extremely well. It's quite ubiquitous, so if you experience it, don't freak out, but just know that you're going to have to deal with that in the future. So, I will close that out and I just want to say thank you so much. You will appreciate your plugs more than ever! Read more Lisianthus Live on February 22 "It's Five O'Clock Somewhere with Farmer Bailey" returns with a one-hour growing lesson on our favorite cut flower crop. I'm so excited to unbox my Lisianthus starts from Farmer Bailey. Instructions for growing lisanthus say to both keep the seeds damp during the germination period and provide good air circulation. Transcript for Virtual Cut Flower Short Course on Learning Lisianthus with Farmer Bailey. Lisianthus can be planted quite close together. When the plants are, I don't know, 6 inches, pull both layers up just above the top leaves and then when they grow another 6 inches to a foot, pull that top layer up. Tiny little lisianthus sprout - photographed with a macro lens. We get lots of lots of questions all the time about diseases and my first thing is, here's my hunch, but also go get that tested. The wider you space them, the larger your plants will be. Fusarium is one of the root rot pathogens that used to be treated with methyl bromide fumigation which, it turns out, is environmentally disastrous. I've never personally seen it myself. I don't pinch, but if you do pinch you'll get branching. So cut them, cut them hard. And also never, never plant into dry soil. Yeah, as I mentioned before, if you pinch, you're going to get more stems, but they're going to be smaller. Umm, yeah, why? There are a total of 3, 50-cell trays. Harris Seeds partners with many of the country's leading plug and liner grower specialists to provide you the best quality young plants. So, I have my degree in horticulture from the University of Kentucky and then I've worked as a floral designer for a long time, so I know how to grow things and I know what to do with the things afterwards, but I was missing this critical little bit of information in between, like how you support it, how you space it, how you fertilize it, and I got all of that from the ASCFG. PLUGS + BULBS: Fred C Gloeckner & Co + Farmer Bailey. So, if you read up on blossom end rot in tomatoes, that's kind of the most classic example of calcium deficiency. That can be any three things we sell. With time the flower forms have become larger, more double, and more ruffled, making them a compelling flocal flower. So that's when I first started growingplugs. But you can see the plant in the middle. Update: January 29: Teeny Lisi sprouts continue to do their thing. Shop Sweet Pea Seeds Welcome to Ardelia Farm We're Thomas & Bailey. And then as far as kind of how people describe themselves, the majority more than, well, almost 70% are growers. And that is something you really need to be able to do. The order was submitted back in March 2021 and had an option to receive it in Mid June, so that's what I choose. Please place your order at least 10-12 weeks before your desired Ship Date. I think that's a bitunusual, I think you're really lucky if you do that, but I've heard of it. There was our woody field. I'm sure there are many of you out there who understand! This meeting was hosted. So, group 1s I would get those planted, you know, early very early in the season. The majority of the new perennials, along with all lisianthus, are being sourced from FB. Much discussion occurs around the idea of "Bumping Up" Lisianthus on arrival. But, if you do give them a bad day, you're going toset them back probably for a week. The greatest number of Available Now trays will be listed Weeks . BH: Yeah, that can be with a hose. Now with all fungal diseases, airflow is key. All Lisianthus will initially produce one bud, followed by side branches that make many more buds. . The chat well be monitoring. So, in the soil, they're really insulated. They're all I mean, all of the varieties we sell, I stand behind. So like I said, these growers in Holland are producing 60 million stems per farm, and there's dozens of similar farms. As the plants grow, move the support netting up with them. Plugs can dry out quickly due to the small volume of growing medium; check the trays 2 or 3 times daily for watering. Wait until after the plugs have been treated to put them in contact with natural soil. Remove first bud to allow several blooms to open before cutting. That'll spot your petals. Do not compost it. You see even things like astilbe do fine out in the full sun because it is so cool and lots of moisture usually. Lisianthus will not flower in the plug tray like some plants will, it must reach a certain stage of maturity before buds will form. So, calcium is related to strong stems in almost all cut flowers and definitely lisianthus. We give them wider spacing than they do in Holland, so it's slightly different product, but just really fascinating to see how they're doing it. Now the long wait begins. Lisianthus can handle cold. I don't know that any studies have been done in terms of which varieties respond better. This creates perfect conditions for fungal infection. They've been bred for their, you know, rounded petals. I'll try to take the lids off a couple of times a day. Right, I'm going to drop in your website into the chat so people can go thereand if you want to just real quickly mention how people could order from you. Lisianthus, Voyage First Love William Dam Seeds is a family run company located just outside of Dundas, Ontario, Canada. This is Falda on the right. Lisianthus doesn't need much in the way of post harvest treatment. You name it, I've tried to grow it. They leave an open space down the middle of the rows. available in half tray sizes (anything sold in a 51-cell tray.) BH: Alright thanks Cindy. You might notice me speaking in the past tense, because we just sold this farm last week and I can tell you more about that later. Like I said, they're picking 1.5 million stems per week. Farmer Bailey Flower Plug Unboxing: Lisianthus Sweet Girl Farms 560 subscribers Subscribe 1.7K views 1 year ago I'm so excited to unbox my Lisianthus starts from Farmer Bailey. We just saw it - saw soil steaming - in Holland last week. I think you're going to have about the same results. Let's dive in. We would grow many thousands of sweet peas each year. This group is for professional growers only. Even these are not foolproof, but they do offer some level of protection. Keep at 50-55 degrees for germination. and this last one is a little hard to define, as it varies by variety. So, 38 seemed always kind of safe temperature for us. But sweet peas were the main focus. So again, really want to thank you for being on. To read the recommendations from our lupine seed starting trial, click here. Unfortunately it is ubiquitous, being found at some level in most natural soils. It wasn't good for her. FD: Alrighty and then one of our guests noticed that she's hearing that Lisianthus grow longer stems in a tunnel. Just a holding solution in your cooler. When I was in Japan in 2019, I noticed that growers all leave a bare unplanted strip in the middle of their Lisianthus beds. I got these photos from FD: Let's see, what's the most important thing we can do to make sure you get strong stems? In a tunnel, 4-6 weeks before your last outdoor frost. When it has ample water and is transplanted at the proper time, Lisianthus can easily reach 3-4' in height. Sow 12-13 weeks in deep cell packs before last frost. They're just going to make a little rosette of leaves, and they're going to wait until next year, and that's really not what you want if you're running a commercial cut flower farm. And, I will say that once I started doing this my Fusarium losses have been much lower. These tall stems with large heavy flowers topple easily. That plug is so small the roots can't always reach the water zone. Our lisianthus seeds were sown 2 seeds to a cell, uncovered,in deep-root 50-cell trays. It is always better to slide it up before the plant needs to be supported, and it is a real pain to move netting up after plants are already leaning. Now is a great time to start thinking about what lisianthus plugs you want to order for next year! OK, the main diseases. Yeah, our neighbors shoot all of our deer so we don't seem to have any around and never had a problem with it. There's a kind of a natural stopping point. You know they will putout some roots, but if you have a place with poor drainage or they're going to be sitting in water, youre just asking for fungal problems to show up over winter. A similar product to Actinovate is PreStop, then RootShield. So, rule of thumb is to order before Thanksgiving, which I believe is this week. It can be with a lawn sprinkler. In warmer areas where summers are longer you will probably see a second or even third flush of flowers from your Lisianthus. The stems are clean, they don't foul the water quickly, they're just kind of a model cut flower in my opinion. The wild version, that tells you so much about what that plant wants to succeed. But then we'd have to have that pelleted with an organic certified pellet in the US, and you're looking at 50 to 100,000 seeds per variety. And like you said, not justlooking at random information, but being sure to look at expert information that's out there from the universities and experienced growers and the Cut Flower Association. Once your seedlings start to grow, you're nearly in the clear. Read this first. You might be great withthem. All right. The poly on your tunnel blocks some of the light and so things have to stretch a little taller. Sakata Ornamentals Lisianthus Cut Flower Production Tutorial, Sakata Ornamentals Eustoma Grandiflorum F1 Rosita Culture Sheet, American Takii Lisianthus F1 Arena Series Culture Sheet, Cut Flower Short Course: Learning Lisianthus with Farmer Bailey [VIDEO]. Here on our 50 acre slice of heaven in the northeast corner of Vermont we produce cut flowers, sweet pea seed, beef, pork, and chicken. Now there's a lot of workshops out there. Plant in late spring to harvest lush summer and fall blooms. Michell's is your complete plant, seed, and nursery source! So, our minimum order is 3 trays. While I'm on that topic, if you ever see a disease plant and you're a production grower, get that plant to your university plant pathologist. Available Now trays are listed on Friday and usually ship the following Monday. But, just a little bit of housekeeping, we have a Q&A and we have the chat so you can use either one. Feel free to reach out with any questions or specific requests at You can grow it all over the place. Very cold, not unheard of to see -35 up there, where we ended up, wefound out that sweet peas did really well for us. You know, just be careful not to over fertilize them, but you know, fresh cow manure can. The thing is, that stuff has gone up in price300- 400%, you know. If you see something that looks like it's not going to grow upwards and you're just getting a rosette of leaves, that is probably rosetted. That seemed a lot higher than I remembered, so I checked my records and, guess what? They can take a frost. Fusarium is ubiquitous in most environments, and will affect most growers from time to time. Farmer Bailey, hes also known as. Enjoy! You will be offered a substitution or a refund if an item you ordered becomes unavailable. Then as far as experience growing cut flowers, the majority is in the one to five year experience, and, we have several with ten or more years of experience. And this is really a new crop. If you are ordering more than 33 trays for shipping on a given ship date, a custom freight quote will be generated, and you will be invoiced at the time of shipping. BH: I think that might be an easier question. They have an office in California as well, but Voyage, Roseanne, Rosita, a lot of the varieties we rely on come from Sakata and have an excellent tutorial. So, if youknow, any plant really. I don't personally see an advantage to planting in the fall. Lisianthus can get very tall. Fusarium and root rots of various sorts are the biggest issue, and there's a lot of different root rots. Kentucky should be a great place to get a second or maybe even third flush. I don't feel like I have a whole lot of different things to try this time around. If they are mature enough they will continue to open in the vase. Don't set high expectations for the outcome of your trials. Follow the link below to learn how it all works. So, this is the series that launched this whole thing. Order now for 2023 shipping. The Q&A well be monitoring. from $90.00 Colors: 512 Full Yellow 512 Half Yellow 512 Full White Mix 512 Half White mix 200 Yellow 200 White Mix. The Japanese will also pinch out the very tips of their lisianthus so you know in this case I've grown this stem in the Japanese style, but I've got four big flowers and then I've got three or four buds that will probably go on and open in the base, so justit's a lot of labor. I'm working with Mariachi Pure White (a Group 2 lisianthus variety recommended to me by Vanessa at TarrNation Flower Farm) and Roseanne Black Pearl- a Group 1 variety. The other thing that will happen sometimes is the facility at Gro N Sell just gets full and we can't produce it for the date you want it because other people have placed their orders first. AS: Awesome, can you talk to us a little bit about feeding, especially for in Kentucky where we can get that second flush. I like questions. Relatively drought tolerant once established. Each box has three trays in it. There will also be a transcript that you can go back and look at as well, and then finally I'm just going to put a quickplug or a little image up here. If anything, pinch that flower out or go pinch. The second flush will branch, so you probably get maybe three or four on your second flush. Kentucky is hard because it - you have really cold winters then you get hot really fastin the springtime. We provide quality starter plants with service, variety, and value you can trust, time and time again. So what we do is, we sell plugs. When your plug tray arrives at your door, the plugs are ready to go into the ground, or into a bigger cell.