Daniel was expected to go to university to read Law in his father's footsteps, but upset his mother by joining the Royal Tank Regiment, though later she accepted his choice of career. Gareth Taylor, Alex Wallace and latterly Marcus Dixon), but he raped her just before Christmas 2004. Freddie had to stay in a special care unit for several days as he was underweight. In late 2012, financial troubles reflecting earlier reductions in milk prices forced the couple to move back in with Emma's parents. In 2013 she was attracted to the recently arrived dairy unit manager, Rob Titchener. Only 3 months later and despite passionate pleas from Helen, he ended it to "make a go of things" with his wife, Jess (Rina Mahoney). Debbie is currently based in Hungary, where she runs the estate owned by a consortium to which Brian belongs (this gives the actress, Tamsin Greig, who has moved on to other projects, the ability to appear in the show from time to time). In considering joining the RAF, who ultimately rejected her application, she came into conflict with Amy's pacifist views. Sara Coward died on 13 February 2017. An outsider by birth, Matt often inveigled himself into positions of power, such as the parish council, but many villagers were suspicious of his motives. When she died, her property was left to a New Zealand relative, and the colonel was cut out. Justin has already shown scant concern for Lillians relationship with her family (and her place in the community) by shafting David over the abattoir. Phil Archer died on 12 February 2010. [31]. John Tregorran (Roger Hume, Basil Jones, Simon Lack and Philip Morant) originally arrived in Ambridge in a gypsy caravan. Attempts to find an affordable home for his family met with failure until Mike split Willow Farm in two. Some of the better known are: Baggy, and Fat Paul disreputable friends of Eddie Grundy. A former chair of the parish council, he is known for his 'NIMBY' views and collection of garden gnomes. Hayley left Roy in 2014 after discovering the nature of his relationship with Elizabeth Pargetter, eventually moving to Birmingham. She was a successful businesswoman running a market garden in Ambridge (and subsequently a wine business). She returned home when her mother died suddenly in December 2005. Archers - Brookfield Farm branch. His current wife is Sid's widow, Jolene whom he married in autumn 2013 at Lower Loxley. The couple married unexpectedly in Las Vegas during a 2010 summer holiday. Having recovered from both, he now takes more of a back seat in the family business. He was a major character for many years and used to introduce the omnibus edition on Sunday mornings. He became quite the local villain during his relatively brief tenure: Mike Tucker lost an eye in an accident, Caroline Bone (later Sterling) and Marjorie Antrobus were swindled out of a sizeable portion of their savings, and a pregnant Elizabeth Archer was abandoned at a motor service station as he fled overseas to escape arrest. Tom runs a sausage business and makes pork ready meals under the Tom Archer brand. In the 2021 new year's honours list Lynda Snell received an MBE, for which she had been nominated "by the community". Add or change Subsequently, she was arrested and charged with attempted murder. Sabrina and Richard Thwaite Residents of the salubrious Grange Spinney. Neil Carter (born 22 May 1957) (Brian Hewlett) is another business failure. She was the catering manager at the local golf club and organised occasional film nights at the village hall. Will and Nic have a daughter Poppy. Joe Grundy (born 18 September 1921) (Edward Kelsey, formerly played by Reg Johnston and Haydn Jones), was the oldest of this well-established local family and often provided comic relief. He is gamekeeper for Borchester Land[citation needed]; his boss is Brian Aldridge. She became involved with him after her father, Jethro, employed him to remove the range in their home. Peggy Woolley, ne Perkins, formerly Archer (born Margaret Perkins, 13 November 1924) (June Spencer, briefly played by Thelma Rogers) is the widow of Phil's elder brother, Jack Archer, and of Jack Woolley. She was responsible for spotting the signs of pre-eclampsia in the pregnant Helen Archer and probably saving the life of mother and unborn son, Henry. With the additional help of family support and counselling Ed has made major steps towards recovery, demonstrated by his increased dedication to Oliver Sterling's dairy farm. Grace Archer (Monica Grey and Ysanne Churchman) was Phil Archer's first wife and the first major character to be killed off. Her practical side was the perfect grounding for her eccentric and slightly scatty husband, who died in a fall on 2 January 2011. Roy had an affair with Elizabeth in 2014 which, though brief, led to the end of his marriage. Elizabeth and Nigel developed their stately home, Lower Loxley, as a conference venue. In late 2019, Emma and Ed briefly separated, though they have since reconciled. Brian Aldridge (born Brian Jeremy Aldridge, 20 November 1943) (Charles Collingwood), considered by some[who?] Although she came to accept him after Helen made a drastic move and left her family home and moved in with Rob in February, she had questioned whether Rob had played a part in Helen quitting her long- running job at the Ambridge Organics store. Occasionally Jazzer manages to surprise everyone with a sensitive side, such as when he wowed the audience of Ambridge's Got Talent with his heartfelt rendition of a Scottish folk song ("Roses of Prince Charlie"). Sophie Barlow (Moir Leslie) a fashion designer who was once engaged to David and once involved much of Ambridge in her fashion shows. His plan to split Willow Farm in two, so that Roy and Hayley can have a separate home, was initially resisted by Brenda. Before his death, Nigel wanted his children to attend exams for the Felpersham Cathedral School. When Oliver Sterling moved to the village she began an affair with him and they eventually moved into Grange Farm together. Richard, a commuting accountant, rarely gets a mention beyond his involvement in the cricket team. Alan Franks (John Telfer), the latest in a series of eccentric village vicars, was appointed to Ambridge and neighbouring parishes in 2003, moving from Nottingham where he had previously worked as an accountant and a non-stipendiary minister. Her best friend is the vicar's daughter, Amy Franks. The previous night, which happened to be the night that ITV, the UK's first commercial television channel was launched, she received fatal injuries while trying to rescue her horse, Midnight, from a fire. In December 2010 Sabrina was heard when she played the part of the cat in the village pantomime Dick Whittington - however she was only heard to make cat noises and didn't have any lines. Roy Tucker is the father, with whom Phoebe lives in Ambridge. The family moved back to Ambridge shortly thereafter. He has a history of involving himself in numerous dubious money-making schemes and at one point stood trial for unwittingly selling condemned meat. Following his debut in the 1963 Z Cars as McEvoy, Tony has starred in over 40 TV series and movies. Since then she has formed a relationship with Justin Elliott, a wealthy businessman. Betty Tucker (Pamela Craig) wife of Mike, mother of Roy and Brenda. [46] Walter Gabriel's phrase "Me old pal, me old beauty" remains one of the most enduringly remembered phrases associated with The Archers. He mainly makes his living by raising turkeys for Christmas, laying patios and selling novelty garden gnomes. She studied at Oxford University and was leader of a rewilding scheme aiming at improving the natural life around Ambridge along with Pip Archer and Rex Fairbrother until moving to Scotland for a new job. Initially, Nigel was romantically linked with Shula (or "Shulie" as he called her), but in 1984 he became involved with Elizabeth Archer, finding her totally unlike Shula: she tricked him into helping her abscond from school in September 1984. Usha was also regularly on the receiving end of 'helpful' advice about her unmarried status by her Aunty Satya (Jamila Massey), an occasional visitor to Ambridge from Usha's home town of Wolverhampton who attempted to match-make for her on numerous occasions, with cousins from home. [9] In April 2013 Brenda decided to end the engagement and the couple separated. Much later, when she discovered that Locke had slept with her best friend Shula Hebden (on an occasion when Shula was vulnerable and he took advantage of his position as family doctor) she ended the relationship and threw him out, also ending her friendship with Shula (whom she told off with relish, they are now arch-enemies). Coping with the childhood arthritis of her son, Daniel, did not help, nor did her husband's gambling addiction, which nearly destroyed their marriage before he finally admitted to owing huge sums to Matt Crawford and others. They are numerous, and most only "appear" once or twice. Finally he suddenly disappeared to South America, where he died in strange circumstances. She is known for her direction of the annual village theatre productions. The episode featuring her death was first broadcast on 22 September 1955. [12] Josh is Ruth and David Archer's eldest son, and Pip and Ben's brother. He had a shady history. It took Kathy some time to trust a man again, and Kenton showed uncharacteristic patience in enabling her to rebuild her self-confidence. [4] The couple resolved to stay together; they remortgaged the business to pay off the debts and Alistair attended Gamblers Anonymous meetings. Ruth's utterance "Oh noooooo", spoken in her Northumberland accent, was frequently parodied on the BBC Radio Four comedy programme Dead Ringers. After feeling increasingly badly-treated by Lilian and Matt, she left Amside without notice. When the reality of her flirting dawned on the naf David he backed away and Barlow returned to London. Nic died unexpectedly of sepsis in February 2018. Lilian took dancing lessons from Mike Tucker after she discovered that Crawford's ex-wife was a much better dancer than she. Subsequently Rob and his mother tricked Pat and Tony into handing Henry over to them, forcing them into a lengthy legal battle over custody. The show was introduced to educate the farmers after the second world war. The character survived the deaths of the first three actors before finally being killed off in 1986. He disappeared to Australia and New Zealand for several years and was married (originally to gain a visa, though they subsequently fell in love), had a daughter (Meriel), and divorced before returning home. Radio 4 listeners complained that they could not distinguish between the two characters' voices. 1 The Green, Tom and Brenda rented the house from Will. A confidant and comforter of many a troubled resident, the Grey Gables chef is socially easy-going and affable. After having a one-night stand with Tom shortly after the trial, Kirsty became pregnant with his son and despite her initial reservations decided to keep the baby. [3] Helen had a baby boy, Henry Ian Archer, through AI, a decision of which Tony initially disapproved. Doris Evelyn Rebecca Archer (Gwen Berryman), ne Forrest, Dan's wife, mother of Jack, Phil and Christine Archer and sister of Tom Forrest. He had a brief relationship with Shula after Mark's death, but hit her after she confronted him with evidence that he was involved with another woman. She reacted to the sudden death of Sid, her ex-husband, as if she were the grieving widow, rather than his wife of eight years Jolene, being of little help to their teenage son and undermining her relationship with Kenton, who can do nothing right. Fallon runs the Bridge farm caf with Emma Grundy and upcycles furniture as well as undertaking catering for local dos. Known for many years as just 'Mrs Pugsley' until her marriage to Titcombe. Following Sid's untimely death she formed a relationship with Kenton Archer, and they were married in 2013. David's wife Ruth had meanwhile in exasperation at David's apparent affair fallen in love with the farm's contractor Sam. (Played by Stephen Kennedy.) She moved to London. [37] Carol was originally married to Ambridge landowner Charles Grenville until his death. Her career took off when in 1979 Jack Woolley offered her a job at Grey Gables and she eventually became manager. Father of Clarrie. Bailey, or Baillie spelling uncertain, Ian's second in command in the Grey Gables kitchen. She was present in the village for forty years until her death in 1991. In April 2011 their daughter, Keira Susan, was born. He has spent much time playing computer games with Rairi Donovan (Brian Aldridges son) and since gaining a voice they have taken a huge interest in off-road driving and Ben helped Jill in the kitchen at Christmas. Bert lived in "The Bungalow", which was originally built to house David and Ruth. Eventually, Amy attempted to get Carl back, but he cruelly brushed her off. Daniel "Dan" Archer (Harry Oakes, Monte Crick, Edgar Harrison and Frank Middlemass), son of the elder John Archer, was the first owner of Brookfield when the family bought it from Squire Lawson-Hope. He was famed for his legendary quiche. While preparing for the birth of the child Tom applied for, and gained a Nuffield Scholarship, which he hoped would enable him to set up an organic baby food business. [22] The producers of The Archers maintain this was a very popular plot nationwide. Tony Turner plays Vince Casey in the radio drama The Archers. Siobhan made occasional appearances in The Archers when Brian made clandestine visits to Germany to see his son, while supposedly on business trips to Hungary. WebPeggy Woolley, ne Perkins, formerly Archer (born Margaret Perkins, 13 November 1924) ( June Spencer, briefly played by Thelma Rogers) is the widow of Phil's elder brother, Iftikar Shah (Pal Aron)[60] is a maths teacher, who runs cricket coaching sessions for Ambridge residents. She was the general manager at Grey Gables until it was sold. Once again, Adam and Ian contemplated parenthood; in 2019, surrogate and friend Lexi gave birth to Alexander Macy-Craig (Xander). Julia Pargetter-Carmichael, mother of Nigel Pargetter (she also had a daughter called Camilla who wasn't seen); mother in-law of Elizabeth Archer (whom she disliked at first, because she wanted Nigel to marry into the wealthy Aldridge family, but grew to love Elizabeth later on after the birth of her beloved grandchildren, Freddie and Lily) and sometime entertainer, died from a stroke in 2005,[40] shortly after the actress who played her, Mary Wimbush, died, also from a stroke, aged 81. After a spell at the University of Exeter she returned home to get away from a relationship with Canadian lecturer Simon Gerrard (Garrick Hagon); years later Debbie got involved with Simon again and in spite of Brian's forebodings they were married. bbc.co.uk. In an hour-long special broadcast on Sunday 11 September 2016, she was ultimately acquitted after the jury decided that she had acted in self-defence. Now divorced, they are still good friends and probably closer than they had been in the last few years of their marriage. After many years of close friendship, Peggy married Jack Woolley. Tony Turner plays the character Vince Casey in the radio series The Archers. Ruth Archer, ne Pritchard (born 16 June 1968) (Felicity Finch) is the wife of David Archer. The series was created by Godfrey Baseley and produced by Julie Beckett in 2017. [21] After a year or so, he fell in love with Ian Craig, the chef at Grey Gables. They were married in June 2006. In contrast, the show gradually became popular and attracted many listeners as a significant source of entertainment in 1953, with nine million listeners. However, Ian can be outspoken with husband Adam Macy when he thinks Adam's overstepped the mark. More recently, some local parishioners made complaints to the bishop when Alan, the vicar, began a relationship with Usha (who is Hindu). The birth was somewhat (the chronology as aired is contradictory) premature and Abbie was expected to remain in hospital until her original due date, although medical practice is 'until 2.5 kilos'. Betty was a popular villager who supported the family even when Mike was violent and depressed. Eddie Grundy (born 15 March 1951) (Trevor Harrison) is Joe's younger son and Clarrie's husband. He first came to Ambridge from Birmingham, where he had been sent to borstal for breaking and entering, which made obtaining his publican's licence difficult. She had previously worked for several years at the village shop and post office, and as Tom Archer's assistant in his sausage-making business. In 2008 she and Crawford were briefly separated, and Lilian was an unwelcome guest at The Bull, but with the connivance of Sid and Jolene they were reunited. *Warning: this link includes footage of Gareth Pierce who plays Gavin Moss* He's also been cast in Coronation Street lately, made his debut last week. Eventually, after persuading Helen to meet Jess, Rob's ex-wife, she was horrified when Helen decided to confront Rob about his behaviour, a confrontation that led to Helen stabbing him. [12] Josh later partners Neil Carter in a free-range egg business, before he launches his own business buying, renovating, and selling farm vehicles. Jessica buxom falconer at Lower Loxley. . Often thought by Grey Gables staff to be rather sinister. His cowman's heavy-handed advice (which he and Ruth reluctantly accepted) that they should dispense with the services of Shula's husband as vet for their dairy herd in favour of a specialist caused a serious family rift, and was followed by his near-affair with Sophie Barlow. Rob and Helen married secretly on the Isle of Wight in August 2015. [35] Niklaus briefly returned to the role from 17 April 2022, shortly before Kathy left Borsetshire.[36]. The actor is knownfor his character in television programs, including Graham Sullivan in Party Animals, Adrian Osler in New Tricks, ARP Warden Perkins in Foyle's War, and Ron Woods in Maxwell.. Was known to have attracted Nigel Pargetter's eye. Tom is highly ambitious for his sausage-making business, but his contract with a supermarket chain nearly bankrupted him, despite his disastrous affair with their buyer, Tamsin. A breeder of Afghan hounds, Marjorie let out her flat at Nightingale Farm to Ruth and later to Roy and Hayley. bbc.co.uk. [20] and a former partnership in Tom Archer's sausage business. In 2011, previous voice actor Susie Riddell returned to the show, this time playing Tracey Horrobin. She returned in 2010 for Phil Archer's funeral, and in 2014 after Ruth's miscarriage. After an attempt to kidnap his son from Helen failed, Rob disappeared and was last reported boarding a flight to Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he had previously worked. Hayley worked at Lower Loxley as nanny to Freddie and Lily Pargetter, and then as a rather amorphous children's visitor specialist. He was for some years the chairman of Borchester Land, a property development company. IMDbPro Starmeter. Her death was discovered by Shula in 1980 when she and Christine were visiting Glebe Cottage. Helen Titchener, ne Archer (born 16 April 1979) (Louiza Patikas, formerly played by Frances Graham and Bonnie Engstrom), Tony and Pat Archer's daughter, makes a cheese called "Borsetshire Blue" in the farm dairy and runs the organic farm shop, Ambridge Organics, in Borchester. Together they run the Bull. Many listeners considered Ruth's behaviour during this storyline to be entirely out of character, and therefore unbelievable. He was patriarch of the Archer family. He has found work in this area hard to obtain recently and has capitalised on his DIY skills to set up a small business doing general building work. [13][14] As a reward for his misdemeanours and to get him interested in farming Ben is now training the new sheepdog "Bess". He eventually left the village to live with an old Army friend in Bristol. Ben is David and Ruth Archer's youngest son, and Pip and Josh's brother, having been born on 15 March 2002. However, due to this latest feud, he withdrew that money to take revenge on the archer dynasty. On the death of his father a few years later, he strove to save his ancestral home, and involved Elizabeth, now also more mature, as his marketing manager. She started dating Tom Archer following a Valentine kiss after they grew closer in the weeks after her mother's death. His weak bladder was a regular source of amusement to speaking characters. [37] During 2016 her daughter, the Birmingham barrister Anna Tregorran, successfully defended Helen Archer in the latter's trial for attempted murder. Brookfield has suffered in recent years from bovine TB, but David is enthusiastic about his herd of Herefords. He used to be Tom's partner in a piggery. In October 2011, he returned to the village to visit his ailing mother. Once well known for persistently failing his law exams. She has been a silent character since 2022, when the actor retired at the age of 103. His mother had some difficulty bonding with him when he was born with a cleft lip. He also took an interest in his family history, particularly in his late Uncle Rupert. In May 2006, Ed vanished after Emma left the caravan and moved into her parents' home, saying it was for the sake of her baby's health. After returning to Ambridge in February 2009, Will pushed for Nic and her 2 children (Jake (then 4) and Mia (then 2)), to move back in with him: they did, and in 2010 Nic started occasional bar work at The Bull, a career move which traditionally leads to expanded roles. Involvement in the radio series the Archers America, where he died in a fall 2. He has a history of involving himself in numerous dubious money-making schemes and one... In his family met with failure until Mike split Willow Farm in two when was! Pugsley ' until her marriage to Titcombe 21 ] after a year or so, he is known for eccentric... Joining the RAF, who died in strange circumstances 1980 when she,. 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